For people who know our Ashram, as well as for people who read our website do know about the work we do. We are currently in the process of building a school which would help many students come and study in the ambiance of our Ashram.

Parallely we are also associated in food and blanket distribution for the needy people of Dumka. We have built Rajlaxmi Foundation to help spread the light of education to young students who do not have the adequate financial support. We are also involved in various initiatives for the upliftment of the working women.

As much as we are eager to help and support the people, we also have to consider the fact, that without adequate funds, we can’t keep moving.
Recently there has been a event of robbery in our Ashram, and we are now working towards building stronger walls to surround the premises. This is an appeal to all people who wish to contribute towards the development of our Ashram. If you wish to help us grow, we welcome you to our family !
Only drops of water can create a big ocean.
You can send in your contribution to the below bank account:
Shatan Ashram
Ac no – 50318763733
of Allahabad Bank
Dumka Branch (1072)
IFSC – ALLA0211072
MICR – 814010002