On Dec 30th, Shatan Ashram organized a Seat and Draw competion. 50 Kids took part in our programme. Mr. Ajay Nath Jha, DPRO Dumka and Mr SK Thakur, Chief Manager of Allahabad Bank was with us. We found that 50 kids are not going to the School due to lack of proper paper of their date of birth and no school was getting ready to admit them.

We requested Mr Jha to think about and Mr Jha took i
mmediate action. He had a talk with one school nearby and ordered them to take care of these kids and he promised to make everything ready within 2 days.
The School confirmed that those kids will be in their school from 2nd January 2016. And Mr. SK Thakur promised to help for the schooling for those Kids.
Shatan Ashram thanks both of you from the heart, for delivering such a promise for those 50 slum kids on the New year eve.
Now we have new problem to find 50 School bag for them 🙂