- Swami Atmananda Puri recognized for Socio-Spiritual Work and awarded by Govt of Jharkhand
- Sergey, a Russian journalist accepted Brahmacharya in Shatan Ashram
- Swamiji in Four Winds Camp 2018 in Finland
- Students Artwork Exhibited in Finland & Featured in Newspaper
- RGS Gurukulam : A Journey Through Pictures
” Shatan Ashram ” of ours is such an Institution, which is at the moment like a small flower which promises to blossom out in near future. Shatan Ashram is also a registered NGO in Niti Aayog India. See details below
It is in Jharkhand and 300 KM away from Kolkata. Shatan Ashram was founded on Dec 4, 1969, by Shri Jagadish Baba.
The below transcript is what was first published in a brochure of Shatan Ashram first in 1969 and quoted by our very own Guru Jagadish Baba. Since then, we are working towards building the blocks for fulfilling the dream that he had once seen for Shatan Ashram!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I have quite often been confronted with the question , ‘We have so many ashrams already, why another one?’ My answer has always been, ‘The more, the merrier’. Don’t you think it is better to have more of good things?
SHATAN ASHRAM of ours is not merely one more numerically in the long chain of registered religious institutions. Here we must make ourselves very clear as to what we understand by RELIGION. The prevalent notion about religion is that it is merely a code of conduct or a path by following which one will reach God.
The Guiding Principles
To us Religion means that inherent latent tendency in man which urges him to expand and approach humanity through heart. Or in other words, it is that inner struggle by which man tries to free himself from the sensory shackles to attain bliss.
Ours is a religious institution with the above mentioned concept of Religion.
We too are out to serve God and we mean to do it by serving and by worshiping his greatest creation – MAN.
Our Ashram teaches us to regard the divinity in each and every human being.
It obeys no barrier in any direction – neither religious nor geographical.
It does and will exclusively belong to all mortals alike.
It is based on one common human factor which all religions advocate – REGARD and LOVE for all fellow human beings.
The idea is to enlarge the field of Regard and Love in every individual to such an extent that they should be capable of embracing every one with genuine hearty feelings. To them the other persons will not merely look just the other persons but either their own brothers or sisters.
Once the idea of Universal Brotherhood is rooted firmly into the minds of the people,only then we would have a real peaceful world for all of us to live in.
Love – The Only Universal Language
How to reach Shatan Ashram:
Train: From Howrah to Jasidih (JSME) : Get down at Jasidih and take a bus to Dumka. From there take the route to Dhadikia Ashram. (very close to Dumka)
Bus: From Kolkata to Dumka : Get direct buses from Babughat area. Get down at Dumka and ask from anyone for the direction to Dhadikia Ashram.
Trustee Board:
Our New Trustee Board has been taken charge from October 7, 2016
The new trustees are followings :-
Swami Bandanananda – President cum Trustee
Swami Atmananda – Managing Trustee
Swamini Anuradha – Treasurer cum Trustee
Pallavi Ray – Trustee
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Shatan Ashram's Successes During COVID-19