Shatan Ashram distributes blankets to the needy Dec 2023

With the blessings of Sri Sri Jagadish Baba, Swamini Anuradha Puri and Swami Atmananda started the distribution of first 200 blankets today. Swami Bisvarupananda from Ramkrishna Ashram was the guest of honour. The biggest kids from RGS Gurukulam school took turns to give a blanket to the needy people coming from nearby villages in Dumka, Jharkhand.

At the beginning of the event a few of the ashram girls along with our friend, Santeri Kylmäniemi, started the event with a very beautiful ‘You Raise Me Up‘ song. The whole environment started to vibrate in a positive way.

This blanket distribution was special because they were also distributed to a few Muslim elders. This was the first time they had been invited.