It is a pleasure to announce the Four Year Winds Program for the 1st anniversary of the Four Winds.
It is 4th-7th of December at Shatan Ashram.
The program is quite free and the changes are more than possible. The issue is once again handling, transmitting. Our friends in Nepal are coming to treat us. The days are handled, given the energy to flow.We work with a simple dew. The sands are sung, danced and enjoyed by the campfire and each other.
We are especially
happy about the arrival of the Four Winds chairman, Virko Kolulahden!
<3 All of you are also warmly welcome.
Swami posted this announcement yesterday, and now our Bangladeshi friend has come from Bangladesh. Neptune will be at least a dancing artist besides the nurses. From here, our tribesmen will come to represent the chantal and kathewals tribes.
Our dream is to join the Kumrabad on the river by night. The waters need cleaning and energizing.
(Kumrabad is our favorite place where we spend the evenings in silence. We sometimes also stayed at the beach.)
4th December is also the day of Shatan Ashram’s creation, and we traditionally share woolfiles for poor elders (Shatan Ashram was established on December 4, 1969). Some days before we wander around the villages, looking for the elderly who have nothing. The beginnings are amazing. We also have the clothes for babies and toddlers we’ve had over the year in Finland.With the wool bags! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
On these occasions, our children are also present and share the children’s clothing in the name of the Rajlaxmi Foundation (Rajlaxmi Foundation was set up as a memorial to our dead Puchkimme) to teach children to help their children. This year we also get ours for those trips.
They’ve been amazing experiences. A couple of years ago, we heard from the village where no one takes any help. It was not even the road, just a rocky trail. It was miles miles up to 700m high, walking.The carriages grabbed blankets and fruit boxes. The villagers were iconic and overwhelmed. The kids were afraid of us. They got fucked from one gun to another, screaming at them. They thought they were the balls and began to play. An unbelievable experience.
The next day it became clear that we had been together with the terrorist camps of terrorism. It was so difficult to get there. But they were friendly people and very grateful. And what place!
Welcome to us if life feels boring
If you would like to donate Christmas gifts to these poor people, please use the link here. One big and thick woolfire costs 5 euros.